Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Nutrislim Review: Can this slimming tea really aid weight loss?

Nutrislim ReviewNutrislim is an ayurvedic-based supplement which claims to help you lose weight easily without the use of harmful stimulants.

It contains a host of natural ingredients, which have metabolism-boosting properties to encourage weight loss.

Nutrislim also contains a host of ayurvedic herbs which have been traditionally used in Indian medicine for centuries.

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It’s a supplement which is available in two different forms.

As a powder it takes on the style of a meal replacement shake, whereas the capsules are a supplement to be taken with meals.

Nutrislim contains a blend of natural ingredients which help boost your metabolism, and curb your appetite, thus aiding weight loss.

The main benefits of Nutrislim work in the following ways:

Boosting Metabolism

When your metabolism is increased, you burn more calories – even when you are doing nothing at all.

Nutrislim contains ingredients such as green tea which increase your metabolism and the oxidation (burning) of the fat stored in your body.

As the fat is oxidized, this also gives you a boost of energy which helps you get through your day or workout.

Blocking Carbohydrate Absorption

Nutrislim can also block the absorption of carbohydrates into your body.

It prevents the carbohydrates being converted into sugars, which would then be stored as fat if you did not burn them off.

These carbohydrate blocking properties of Nutrislim mean you will be able to enjoy a starchy meal guilt-free.

Appetite Control

Nutrislim also contains other ingredients that help you lose weight without boosting your metabolism.

These ingredients control your hunger levels and make you feel full even when you haven’t eaten much.

This helps prevent you from consuming too many calories while trying to lose weight.


Where ingredients are concerned, its a combination of natural extracts and ayurvedic plant based compounds. Here are the highlights:

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is commonly used in weight loss and fat burning supplements.

It’s a powerful antioxidant which provides many benefits to health, from reducing risk of cancer by fighting free radicals to preventing memory loss.

Green tea contains high levels of caffeine, but it also holds a very important plant compound called EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate)

It’s this plant compound (also known as a catechin) which does the majority of the hard work where weight and fat loss is concerned.

Catechins are proven to have fat-burning properties. (1)

There are different types of fat in your body: subcutaneous fat is the matter you find just underneath the skin. It’s what causes cellulite and when losing weight this tends to burn off first.

Visceral fat is usually found around the abdomen area. When this builds up its more serious and much harder to lose.  

Catechins are highly efficient when it comes to reducing stubborn visceral fat. (2)

It’s because of this green tea has proven track record for: preventing fat from building up, accelerating fat burning and even slowing down fat production. (3)

The presence of caffeine also helps you lose weight by raising your metabolic rate, whilst also raising your energy levels. This will help you burn more calories and give you more energy to exercise.

Caffeine intake has proven to have this effect on both individuals of a normal weight and those that are overweight. Best metabolism boosting results occurred when taken in combination with a meal. (4)


Chitosan is a type of fibre extracted from the shells of crustaceans such as crab and lobster. It is commonly used as a filler in tablets, but it’s also handy for many medical conditions, including treatment of obesity.

Chitosan has a fibrous texture which is indigestible to the human body. This means that it passes straight through the digestive system without being absorbed.

While travelling through the digestive tract, it is claimed that chitosan binds to some of the fat it encounters along the way.

This is said to prevent some of the fat in our digestive system being absorbed, therefore aiding weight-loss.

However, there is some clinical evidence that the effect of chitosan on fat absorption is negligible. (5)


Fenugreek is often used to flavor indian dishes. It’s also a herb well known for boosting libido in men and relieving digestive issues.

Fenugreek contains dietary fibers which prevent the absorption of fats and carbohydrates in the digestive system. (6)

 It’s also been suggested that this herb can actually prevent body fat from building up. Although the findings were based upon animal studies. (7)

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia (malabar tamarind) is a fruit which could be described as a small green pumpkin.

Ayurvedic medicine has used this for many years as a remedy for weight loss.

Garcinia Cambogia has an active chemical component called hydroxycitric acid (HCA). This is very similar to the citric acid that you will know is found in oranges and lemons.

Hydroxycitric acid has the ability to suppress your appetite by increasing the levels of hormone serotonin. (8)

Serotonin is a hormone with connections to mood, appetite and hunger.

Carbohydrates also raise levels of serotonin. Therefore if your levels are low this is the main reason you often crave starchy high fat foods like potato chips and snack foods. (9)

By keeping your levels sufficient it will tame cravings and prevent wrong food choices – helping weight loss.

There is also evidence to support hydroxycitric acid inhibits the production of fat in your body by restricting the actions of fat making enzymes – citrate lyase. (10)

Ayurvedic Herbs

Alongside the above ingredients, Nutrislim contains a blend of ayurvedic herbs that have positive effects on the body and weight loss.

Ativisha: A herb that helps calm inflammation in the body. (11)

Kushta: Helps detox the body tissues. (12)

Pippali: Best known as pepper. Pippali helps detox the body and increases the rate at which food moves through the digestive system. It also has fat burning properties. (13)

Haridra: Is Indian turmeric which has an active compound called “curcumin”. Curcumin reduces inflammation and can assist the boosting of metabolism.(14)

Lashuna: this means garlic. It’s used to treat bloating and digestive issues.

Amalaki: is the ayurvedic word for amla or indian gooseberry. It helps to boost immunity and takes care of the digestive system. (15)

Side Effects

The most common side effects experienced by users of Nutrislim are the result of increased caffeine intake.

These are symptoms such as: anxiety, heart palpitations, feeling “on edge” or “jittery”, and headaches.

If you have any medical conditions that affect the heart or blood pressure, you should consult your doctor before use.

If you experience any of these side effects it is a good idea to halt usage until you have spoken to your physician or pharmacist.

Recommended Dosage

For the capsules, the recommended dosage is one capsule in the morning, and one capsule in the evening before your meal.

If you are using Nutrislim powder, you must drink in replacement of two of your main meals.


What Is Nutrislim? Nutrislim takes the ayurvedic approach. You have the option to use a meal replacement or a weight loss pill to achieve weight loss.

How to take Nutrislim? Nutrislim should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening. If you are using the Nutrislim capsules, take one before your main meal twice a day. If you are using the Nutrislim powder, you must drink one serving in replacement of a meal twice a day.

Who should use Nutrislim? Nutrislim should be used by those who are looking for help losing excess weight.

How much does Nutrislim cost? Nutrislim powder and capsules cost between $26 and $35 In the USA Nutrislim powder costs around $35 for 500g tub. This quantity should last for around ten days. Nutrislim tablets price in the USA is around $26 for a bottle of 60 capsules.

Is Nutrislim safe? Nutrislim is safe for use by healthy individuals without heart, blood pressure or kidney problems. If you are sensitive to caffeine, consult your physician before use.

Is Nutrislim legal? Yes, Nutrislim is legal.

Where to buy Nutrislim? Nutrislim is available to buy on Amazon and also via the official website.

Does Nutrislim really work? Nutrislim contains ingredients that are clinically proven to help burn fat and assist users with weight loss. There is no reason why you would not see results if used correctly alongside a diet and fitness program.

How long do you have to take Nutrislim before seeing results? Result will vary from person to person. You will likely see results faster if you combine the use of Nutrislim with diet and exercise.

Are there any Nutrislim alternatives? Yes, there are other ayurvedic weight loss products on the market. The most well-known are Nutrislim Tea and Way to Slim Powder. Nutrislim Tea side effects are laxative-like. This is not great for long term use. Way to Slim powder side effects can increase heart rate.


During this review we have examined many Nutrislim nutrition facts. It is proven that most of the active ingredients in Nutrislim are effective for fat burning and weight loss.

If ayurvedic medicine is a practice you follow or take an interest in, then it could be a suitable choice for your weight loss needs. It’s clear some of the ingredients can also boost your health as well as possible weight loss.

However, if opting for meal replacement shakes it’s important to remember this. It’s not a long term sustainable method of weight loss and could prove to be short lived.

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