Sunday, February 11, 2018

Ranking the best wrinkle cream of 2018

Many people use wrinkle cream in their daily routine to have healthier, younger-looking skin.

The right wrinkle cream can reduce fine wrinkling and lines on your face, making you look years younger and making your skin look far healthier.

The wrong wrinkle cream won’t be able to do any of these things. Our research team tracked down the ten best wrinkle creams.

1. LilyAna Naturals Retinol Cream

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LilyAna Naturals offers a concentrated retinol cream to attack wrinkles–a full 2.5% of the product is pure retinol. Alongside this, it uses the healing power of aloe vera extract and the collagen repairing properties of hyaluronic acid to help reduce wrinkling and fine lines in skin.

It has some powerful moisturizing oils like jojoba seed oil and shea butter oil, but it would be nice if these were higher up on the ingredient list.

Aside from this, it’s hard to fault LilyAna Naturals Retinol Cream for much. Natural and organic fans will love its 71% organic content and its lack of petroleum ingredients.

2. Baebody Beauty Retinol

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Despite the name, Baebody is about a lot more than retinol. Yes, this activated form of vitamin A is present in this wrinkle cream at high concentrations, but it’s far from the only active ingredient.

Baebody Beauty Retinol also includes several powerful antioxidants, including vitamin B5, vitamin E, and green tea extract. To repair and hydrate collagen, it has hyaluronic acid and jojoba oil, which is an excellent moisturizer. It’s very hard to go wrong with this wrinkle cream.

3. Miracle Retinol

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Miracle Retinol delivers a strong 2.5% concentration retinol solution, alongside vitamin E and green tea extract for their antioxidant power.

It has aloe vera as well for healing skin, and a natural extract version of hyaluronic acid. It might be nice if the primary oils weren’t palm oil and sunflower seed oil, as these have only mediocre hydrating and moisturizing properties, but aside from this, it’s a very solid wrinkle cream.

4. Pure Biology Enhanced Night

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Pure Biology’s nighttime wrinkle cream is centered around a strategy of repairing the collagen in your skin. Its key ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which is often found in joint supplements to increase the water retention and plasticity of cartilage.

The idea is that, by applying hyaluronic acid to skin, the collagen fibers will absorb it and become more elastic and resilient. Pure Biology loses a few points for lacking some of the other proven ingredients in wrinkle creams, but even still, it’s a pretty solid pick.

5. RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Facial Night Cream

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RoC makes a strong, concentrated retinol formula to attack wrinkles with the rejuvenating power of vitamin A, but it falls short when it comes to everything else.

It’s weak in the antioxidant department, not offering a whole lot to mop up oxidative damage in your skin, and its moisturizing agents are mostly petroleum based. If you want all-natural hydrating moisturizers derived from plant ingredients, you’ll have to look elsewhere.

If all you want is a solid retinol-based product, it’s a solid pick, but there are plenty of other options out there that have the same retinol concentration but offer a lot more when it comes to additional ingredients which can help improve wrinkles and lines in your skin.

6. Amara Organics Retinol Serum

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Amara Organics has an interesting take on retinol based wrinkle cream. It’s not really a cream at all; it’s a liquid spray that delivers a 2.5% retinol solution along with vitamin E and hyaluronic acid.

It is a unique variation on the product category, but the liquid delivery form means that it can’t provide the kind of moisturizing power that a cream can provide.

If you don’t have problems with skin dryness, or if you already have a moisturizing cream that you’re going to put on afterwards (perhaps for sun protection) you might be a good candidate for Amara Organics Retinol Serum, but most people will want a true wrinkle cream for its superior hydrating properties.

7. Andre Lorent Crazy Beautiful Face Creme

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Andre Lorent takes the nutrient approach to fighting wrinkles, which is to say that this product supplies your skin with the precursors it needs to synthesize new collagen and healthy skin tissue.

To this end, it focuses on ingredients like hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamin B, and vitamin E. As a non-retinol based wrinkle cream, this means you can apply Andre Lorent Crazy Beautiful Face Creme in the morning and not have to worry about sun damage or applying a sunscreen over it. Because of this, it’s a decent choice if you are explicitly trying to avoid retinol, sun-related reasons or otherwise.

8. Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle

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Eucerin has a somewhat different take on the standard anti-wrinkle cream formula. It uses coenzyme Q10, which is a popular nutritional supplement that the company claims helps fight oxidative damage in the skin.

To boost this antioxidant power, it also comes with vitamin E and beta carotene, which both have oxidative damage fighting properties. Beta carotene has the additional benefit of being a direct precursor of retinol.

The idea here seems to be that the body will synthesize retinol by itself using the beta carotene from Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle.

However, there’s less certainty that this will work, especially considering that we know retinol applied directly to the skin has good wrinkle fighting properties. In all, Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle doesn’t look as strong as many of its competitors.

9. Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair

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Neutrogena’s Rapid Wrinkle Repair is a retinol-based wrinkle cream, but unlike many of its other competitors, retinol is really all that it offers.

It doesn’t have much in the way of powerful antioxidants or skin repairing compounds, and its moisturizing power is lacking. Most of the ingredients are petroleum based, and there are several alcohols that could have a drying effect instead of a moisturizing effect.

This stands in stark contrast to many of its competitors, which have all-natural oils as their moisturizers and avoid petroleum products completely. Even if all you are looking for is retinol, there are stronger, more potent wrinkle creams that are retinol based.

10. St. Ives Timeless Skin

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St. Ives Timeless Skin is a very popular wrinkle cream, but its ingredients don’t really measure up. The primary anti-aging ingredients in it are hydrolyzed collagen and hydrolyzed elastin, which are two compounds that give your skin its soft and elastic properties, but it’s not exactly clear how providing these in their final biological form helps your skin.

Other wrinkle creams focus on delivering the precursors so your body can synthesize these compounds itself. Further, the inactive ingredients leave a lot to be desired.

The product is essentially petroleum based; its primary ingredients are mineral oil and propylene glycol, both derived from petrochemical processing–not exactly what you want on your skin when other competitors are offering all-natural plant and seed oils.

Wrinkle cream benefits and side effects

Wrinkle cream is a cosmetic product that is used to reduce and reverse the aging-related wrinkles and fine lines that appear on the skin.

Since so many people want to look younger, it’s a pretty mature product category, and there is some solid scientific research on what you should look for in a wrinkle cream.


The general approach to reducing wrinkles with a wrinkle cream boils down to three parts, according to a scientific review article published in 2004 in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (1).

These three parts are cleansing of the skin, protecting and reversing the damage that accumulates from sun exposure, and activating and protecting the skin’s own defenses. Pretty much any wrinkle cream will take care of the first part of this, but it’s the second and third that are tricky.

By far the most effective ingredient for reducing and reversing wrinkles in the skin is retinol. It’s an activated form of vitamin A that can be applied in a cream directly to the skin. Its in all of the best under eye creams, too.

Research abounds that testifies to the efficacy of retinol when it comes to reducing wrinkles. It’s highly effective at reducing damage caused by sun exposure over the years. One study, published in 2001 in the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, describes the mechanism by which retinol helps heal wrinkles (2).

According to the study’s author, biological chemistry studies indicate that retinol helps preserve and stimulate the synthesis of new collagen in skin.

Collagen is a protein that gives skin its softness and elasticity, so when you increase the synthesis of collagen, it becomes more pliable and less liable to becoming wrinkled.

The clinical application of retinol to reverse wrinkles was demonstrated in a 2009 study that evaluated retinol over an eight week period in a sample of 30 Japanese women (3).

The women applied a retinol containing wrinkle cream to one side of their face, but not the other, so it acted as a control. After eight weeks, doctors used high-resolution photography and computer scanning to evaluate the presence of wrinkles on the womens’ face.

They found a significant decrease in the depth and severity of the wrinkles on the applied side compared to the side of the face which did not receive retinol.

Retinol appears to be even more effective when combined with antioxidants and moisturizers. This was the conclusion of a study conducted at Nippon Medical School in Japan that examined a combination of retinol, vitamin C, and vitamin E (4).

The retinol, vitamin, and moisturizing formulation was very effective at reducing wrinkles and brightening skin over the study’s eight week evaluation period.

Side Effects

The most effective wrinkle creams are retinol based, but retinol does have one significant side effect to be aware of, which is photosensitivity.

This essentially means that retinol primes your skin for being extra vulnerable to damage from ultraviolet light–usually sunlight. Problems can occur when you put on a cosmetic product that includes retinol, then go outside into the sunlight.

Even short exposure to sunlight can cause redness, irritation, and sunburn along the exposed skin that was treated with retinol. The easiest way to avoid the problem of photosensitivity is to not apply retinol based products before venturing outside, but sometimes this is unavoidable.

If you are trying to use your wrinkle cream twice per day, you’ll have to find a solution for the morning. What most people do is apply their retinol based wrinkle cream, then use a moisturizing agent that includes sunscreen. This way, although you’ll be exposed to the sun, the sunscreen will prevent any ill effects from the photosensitivity.

As is the case with any other cosmetic, there is a chance of getting irritation or dermatitis because your body has a bad reaction to an ingredient in the wrinkle cream. This is a pretty remote possibility, and it’ll be obvious if this occurs–it just means you’ll need to find a different wrinkle cream to use.


With a quality wrinkle cream, deep, heavy wrinkles need not be a fact of life. The strongest and most effective way to fight wrinkles is with a wrinkle cream that contains retinol, but moisturizers, antioxidants, and healing agents can contribute to reducing wrinkles too.

If you do decide to go with a wrinkle cream that uses retinol, be sure to keep in mind how it modifies your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight and the increased tendency to get sunburn.

If you apply your wrinkle cream in the morning, you should use a moisturizer that has some type of sunscreen in it to reduce the chance of damaging your skin if it’s exposed to strong sunlight after application of retinol. Another, simpler solution is just to use your wrinkle cream at night before you go to bed.

Other ingredients like moisturizers can help too, but for the best anti-wrinkle effects, you want a retinol-based wrinkle cream.

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